Sunday, September 13, 2009

Unconditional Love - Part II

Check out Unconditional Love - Part I, then come back to Part II.

It’s that love that is unexplainable, the kind of love that a parent has for their child that no matter what your kid might do, that’s still your kid and you will always support them and love them. And yes, I understand that your child is your responsibility and more importantly, is literally a piece of you, but shouldn’t you put just as much effort into nurturing your relationship as you do rearing your child. Whether good or bad, you are your child’s first image of a relationship, so they learn how to function in a relationship from you. Every action and word is a lesson, and those lessons will shape their image of what it is to love and be loved.

It’s the kind of love we seek from our significant others and proclaim to give. But is it a reality? Can we really share that level of maturity and love? The kind of love that transcends all, looks beyond most, and never takes score. Let’s be honest. We all have our flaws, idiosyncrasies, differences, but that’s what makes us who we are. The trick is trying to mesh two individuals together to become a unit, a like-minded balancing act, seeking to develop a life-long relationship.

A very wise friend told me a while back that you get out of your relationship whatever you put into it. If it’s always a competition and you feel you always have to win, no compromise, no sacrifice, no holds barred, is that really a relationship or a battle royale? Or are you more concerned with putting on airs and portraying a superior image, never vulnerable, always wanting to tower above, never allowing your significant other to shine? Is it about U and only U or is it about the betterment of the relationship and U and Me becoming We.

Can you say that you love unconditionally or have been loved unconditionally? What does that mean to U to be loved unconditionally? How do you display your love and does your significant other feel that love is unconditional or are there unspoken strings attached to that love?

Comment, speak up, voice your opinions. This isn’t just about U or just about Me, but all about We. The only way We grow is if We work together, learn from each other, help each other, and support each other. Read the previous posts and comment on them as well. Suggest new topics and ideas, be active and spread the word.

Check back soon for the next post entitled, "Can You 'F'?" Trust, you don't want to miss it!

P.S. Click on the picture for an awesome depiction of Unconditional Love!

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